A wedding in October is very popular for most couples looking to get married. As the month swings into it’s final weeks the leaves are changing around every corner. Autumn’s beauty is starting to be in full bloom, shining it’s light on us.
This wedding was right out of a storybook. Sammy (Jimmy’s & Abbeys son) and Kayla walked down the isle followed by the attendances and Abbey and her father. The ceremony was truly an emotional experience. Songs were played, rings were exchanged and vows were said. When the ceremony ended everyone present knew how just how much family and friends meant to them. Family and friends is something no one should ever let go of. This wedding describes just that.
So congratulations Jimmy & Abbey Einhaus!!! I could not be more honored to capture your special day and I will always be in your lives as a great friend!
Always remember “Faith Hope and Love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
Jimmy & Abbey Einhaus were married on October 15, 2011 at Baker Lake in Peru, IL
All images ©2011 Scott Anderson Photography
All images ©2011 Scott Anderson Photography
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