Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Andy & Michelle Engaged!

The Autumn season is a photographers dream! Capturing engagement photos in the Fall is truly awesome! 

This past weekend I had a great opportunity to photograph an engagement between two wonderful people Andy & Michelle. 

Spending the day at Starved Rock State Park was the perfect setting for some amazing photos. The colors on the trees were starting to pop and the glow of the sunlight through them made for some fantastic photos!

Andy and Michelle will be getting married next October 2012! Scott Anderson Photography can't wait to spend there wedding day photographing them! 

You guys are a great couple and I had so much fun and I hope you enjoy some of my favorites on the blog!

Congratulations again Andy & Michelle!!!
All images ©2011 Scott Anderson Photography

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jimmy & Abbey Married!!!

A wedding in October is very popular for most couples looking to get married. As the month swings into it’s final weeks the leaves are changing around every corner. Autumn’s beauty is starting to be in full bloom, shining it’s light on us.

On this Autumn day in the Illinois Valley you could not ask for anything better. Two amazing people Jimmy & Abbey Einhaus shared there vows and joined together in holy matrimony.

This wedding had so much meaning to me, as I was so fortunate to know Jimmy & Abbey for a long time. I cannot tell you all how much they are so perfect for each other! Jimmy & I had so many great memories growing up together and it was an honor to photograph and spend your big day photographing you two. Knowing everyone in the wedding party felt like a reunion again. All the laughs, tears, and love this past weekend felt so incredible to experience and share with Jimmy & Abbey. All of us want to thank you for being apart of our lives. These two individuals have so much to look forward to as they start a new chapter in their lives.

This wedding was right out of a storybook.  Sammy (Jimmy’s & Abbeys son) and Kayla walked down the isle followed by the attendances and Abbey and her father. The ceremony was truly an emotional experience. Songs were played, rings were exchanged and vows were said. When the ceremony ended everyone present knew how just how much family and friends meant to them. Family and friends is something no one should ever let go of. This wedding describes just that.

Now Jimmy and Abbey will celebrate a new chapter in their lives. A new beginning will guide them down the road to a joyful life together.

So congratulations Jimmy & Abbey Einhaus!!! I could not be more honored to capture your special day and I will always be in your lives as a great friend!
Always remember “Faith Hope and Love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Jimmy & Abbey Einhaus were married on October 15, 2011 at Baker Lake in Peru, IL

All images ©2011 Scott Anderson Photography

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tomorrow's Moon an Optical Illusion

The full moon on Wednesday might look huge on the horizon. But it's not. It's an optical illusion that sky-watchers have known about for thousands of years -- but still can't totally explain. Check out the cool video below!

Full moon on Oct. 12. This is the smallest full moon of the year. It is also called the “Hunter’s Moon.” Jupiter is very prominent in the early evening sky rising just above the head circle of Cetus, the Whale. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Extreme Cold Winter Ahead... Similar to last yr

Sorry about not updating the blog and site in a while. Here at SA Photography we have been busy booking weddings for 2012 and editing!

The 2012 wedding season is approaching so contact Scott today for your big day!!!

This week I found this article online all about the coming winter and what we can expect weather-wise for the upcoming winter season.

According to Accuweather forecasters this could be an extremely cold winter for the Chicago area.
As most of us say "will believe it when we see it." Forcasting weather this far in advance is skeptical. Meteorologists have also predicted snow in Southern Illinois by Halloween... 

A Private forecaster Accuweather.com said Wednesday that heavy snow and extreme cold should be expected in the north central United States, especially in the Chicago area, in the coming winter.
Accuweather's forecast projects Chicago will again be hit by extreme cold weather and several blizzards, as it endured last winter when more than 50 inches fell on the city including a single storm that dropped 20 inches. "People in Chicago are going to want to move after this winter,"Accuweather Long-Range Meteorologist Josh Nagelberg said in a statement.
Severe cold and heavy snow should expected from the Great Lakes across the Midwest and northern plains states, a very similar pattern like last year, according to Accuweather.
Starved Rock State Park Photo By Scott Anderson
La Nina, the name for a recurring phenomenon when sea surface temperatures across the central and eastern Pacific Ocean are below normal, will fuel weather across North America, including a persistent flow of tropical moisture that brings heavy rains to the West Coast called the "Pineapple Express.

It does seem far fetched but La Nina is back again so will see if the so called "expert" meterologists are right. Stay warm everyone. Will take these 70's and low 80's right now and I cant complain one bit. :) 

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Other areas around the country for winter weather predictions...

The East Coast faces average to slightly above average snowfall during the winter of 2011-2012 as a Pacific La Nina again drives weather patterns across the United States.

The southeastern United States could again see flooding in the lower Mississippi Valley in late winter, Accuweather said.
Dry, mild weather is expected over most of the southwestern United States, with no relief seen for drought-stricken Texas.
The Mid-Atlantic states could see snow and ice with South Carolina and Georgia seeing rain. Florida should expect a mild, dry winter.

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